

It was a night when he had taken her at the expense of a month's rigid economizing on food. After vainly waiting for him to speak about it, herself still tremulous and stirred by what she had just seen and heard, she had asked the question.

"I liked the overture," was his answer. "It was splendid."

"Yes, but the opera itself?"

"That was splendid too; that is, the orchestra was, though I'd have enjoyed it more if those jumping-jacks had kept quiet or gone off the stage."

Ruth was aghast.

"You don't mean Tetralani or Barillo?" she queried.

"All of them - the whole kit and crew."

"But they are great artists," she protested.

"They spoiled the music just the same, with their antics and unrealities."

"But don't you like Barillo's voice?" Ruth asked. "He is next to Caruso, they say."

"Of course I liked him, and I liked Tetralani even better. Her voice is exquisite - or at least I think so."

"But, but - " Ruth stammered. "I don't know what you mean, then.

You admire their voices, yet say they spoiled the music."

"Precisely that. I'd give anything to hear them in concert, and I'd give even a bit more not to hear them when the orchestra is playing. I'm afraid I am a hopeless realist. Great singers are not great actors. To hear Barillo sing a love passage with the voice of an angel, and to hear Tetralani reply like another angel, and to hear it all accompanied by a perfect orgy of glowing and colorful music - is ravishing, most ravishing. I do not admit it.

I assert it. But the whole effect is spoiled when I look at them - at Tetralani, five feet ten in her stocking feet and weighing a hundred and ninety pounds, and at Barillo, a scant five feet four, greasy-featured, with the chest of a squat, undersized blacksmith, and at the pair of them, attitudinizing, clasping their breasts, flinging their arms in the air like demented creatures in an asylum; and when I am expected to accept all this as the faithful illusion of a love-scene between a slender and beautiful princess and a handsome, romantic, young prince - why, I can't accept it, that's all. It's rot; it's absurd; it's unreal. That's what's the matter with it. It's not real. Don't tell me that anybody in this world ever made love that way. Why, if I'd made love to you in such fashion, you'd have boxed my ears."

"But you misunderstand," Ruth protested. "Every form of art has its limitations." (She was busy recalling a lecture she had heard at the university on the conventions of the arts.) "In painting there are only two dimensions to the canvas, yet you accept the illusion of three dimensions which the art of a painter enables him to throw into the canvas. In writing, again, the author must be omnipotent. You accept as perfectly legitimate the author's account of the secret thoughts of the heroine, and yet all the time you know that the heroine was alone when thinking these thoughts, and that neither the author nor any one else was capable of hearing them. And so with the stage, with sculpture, with opera, with every art form. Certain irreconcilable things must be accepted."

"Yes, I understood that," Martin answered. "All the arts have their conventions." (Ruth was surprised at his use of the word.

  • 天行


  • 武道医尊


  • 玄魔黑刀


  • 萌妻在此:高冷神君看过来


  • 九天碧落梦连零


    翻手为云覆手为雨,她美绝人寰而又智绝天纵。一身雪衣,清冷孤傲;一柄神伞,挥斥方遒。直到那个从天而降的任务,她来到了未知的时空,昔日威风凛凛的神祗摇身一变,变成了一个——小奶娃??!!!这什么骚气的操作……她是来完成任务的,不是来以萌征服天下的! 自小她便带上了面具,于是众人皆传:四海仙尊百斯川认了个丑女做女儿。 只是这个丑女,却令强大如厮的魔皇后裔对她心相许;软萌可爱的妖族帝王为她付出一切;桀傲不羁的不死凤凰对她念念不忘;万人之上的凡界君王为她情深不悔。 到最后,谁才能得到这颗耀眼的紫薇星? 小桥流水,迷雾散尽,她爱的红线渐渐清晰。
  • 梦魇故事集


  • 璇玑谱


  • 苏小小追爱记


  • 大学生风花雪月之灵魂触电


  • 九转阴阳变

