

Ben was getting uproarious; Lambert playfully clapped his hand over his friend's mouth. The result was one of those quick India-rubber scuffles fearful to behold but delightful to human nature in its polliwog state.

"Vat wash te matter, Pen?" asked Jacob, hurrying forward.

"Oh! nothing at all," panted Ben, "except that Van Mounen was afraid of starting an English riot in this orderly town. He stopped my cheering for old Van der--""Ya! ya--it ish no goot to sheer--to make te noise for dat. You vill shee old Van der Does's likeness mit te Stadhuis.""See old Van der Does? I thought it was Van der Werf's picture they had there.""Ya," responded Jacob, "Van der Werf--vell, vot of it! Both ish just ash goot--""Yes, Van der Does was a noble old Dutchman, but he was not Van der Werf. I know he defended the city like a brick, and--""Now vot for you shay dat, Penchamin? He no defend te city mit breek, he fight like goot soltyer mit his guns. You like make te fun mit effrysinks Tutch.""No! No! No! I said he defended the city LIKE a brick. That is very high praise, I would have you understand. We English call even the Duke of Wellington a brick."Jacob looked puzzled, but his indignation was already on the ebb.

"Vell, it ish no matter. I no tink, before, soltyer mean breek, but it ish no matter."Ben laughed good-naturedly, and seeing that his cousin was tired of talking in English, he turned to his friend of the two languages.

"Van Mounen, they say the very carrier pigeons that brought news of relief to the besieged city are somewhere here in Leyden. Ireally should like to see them. Just think of it! At the very height of the trouble, if the wind didn't turn and blow in the waters, and drown hundreds of Spaniards and enable the Dutch boats to sail in right over the land with men and provisions to the very gates of the city. The pigeons, you know, did great service, in bearing letters to and fro. I have read somewhere that they were reverently cared for from that day, and when they died, they were stuffed and placed for safekeeping in the town hall. We must be sure to have a look at them."Van Mounen laughed. "On that principle, Ben, I suppose when you go to Rome you'll expect to see the identical goose who saved the capitol. But it will be easy enough to see the pigeons. They are in the same building with Van der Werf's portrait. Which was the greater defense, Ben, the siege of Leyden or the siege of Haarlem?""Well," replied Ben thoughtfully, "Van der Werf is one of my heroes. We all have our historical pets, you know, but I really think the siege of Haarlem brought out a braver, more heroic resistance even, than the Leyden one; besides, they set the Leyden sufferers an example of courage and fortitude, for their turn came first.""I don't know much about the Haarlem siege," said Lambert, "except that it was in 1573. Who beat?""The Spaniards," said Ben. "The Dutch had stood out for months.

  • 修仙必须要稳重


  • 迷雾快穿之你是我的心脏


  • An Episode Under the Terror

    An Episode Under the Terror

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  • 将你温柔眷养


    (梨子新书《时光与他共长情》已经发文啦!姐弟恋,漫漫七年追妻路!小可爱们不要错过!) “本以为是惊鸿一瞥,未曾想是钟爱一生”。在201路公交车上,初遇的两人,脱线少女林眷眷对建筑学大神路卿年一见倾心,这一面,就是终身。后来,她对他死缠烂打,成了他的小尾巴。林眷眷感叹,撩男的道路,难于上青天,自己这张旧船票,何时才能登上男神这艘船。正当林眷眷要放弃革命的万里长征之际,路卿年将林眷眷温柔拥进怀:“我亲爱的树懒小姐,我每晚陪你跑步,允许你每天在身边闹腾,全世界都看出来我喜欢你,只有你不懂我的心意。”——大神,你是从什么时候开始觊觎我的美色的?——我也记不得了。也许是那晚,月色正浓,你在月光中唱着摇篮曲,也许是在某次不经意间,我第一次发现自己会不明缘由的的窃喜,也许是某天,因为你,我慌了阵脚,内心开始泛起涟漪。总之,因为遇见你,我才发现,我也是个有温度的人。------*------再后来,有人问林眷眷,为什么会对路卿年一见钟情。她答:大概是因为,见到他,我人生中第一次想到了一个词。“什么词?”“在劫难逃”
  • 七圣神龙


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  • 从命运天书开始

