

"He relished his supper well," said Dame Brinker, nodding sidewise toward the bed, "and fell asleep the next moment. Ah, the dear man will be feeble for many a day. He wanted sore to sit up again, but while I made show of humoring him and getting ready, he dropped off. Remember that, my girl, when you have a man of your own (and many a day may it be before that comes to pass), remember that you can never rule by differing; 'humble wife is husband's boss.' Tut! tut! Never swallow such a mouthful as that again, child. Why, I could make a meal off two such pieces. What's in thee, Hans? One would think there were cobwebs on the walls.""Oh, no, Mother, I was only thinking--""Thinking about what? Ah, no use asking," she added in a changed tone. "I was thinking of the same a while ago. Well, it's no blame if we DID look to hear something by this time about the thousand guilders but not a word--no--it's plain enough he knows naught about them."Hans looked up anxiously, dreading lest his mother should grow agitated, as usual, when speaking of the lost money, but she was silently nibbling her bread and looking with a doleful stare toward the window.

"Thousand guilders," echoed a faint voice from the bed. "Ah, Iam sure they have been of good use to you, vrouw, through the long years when your man was idle."The poor woman started up. These words quite destroyed the hope that of late had been glowing within her.

"Are you awake, Raff?" she faltered.

"Yes, Meitje, and I feel much better. Our money was well saved, vrouw, I was saying. Did it last through all those ten years?""I--I--have not got it, Raff, I--" She was going to tell him the whole truth when Hans lifted his finger warningly and whispered, "Remember what the meester told us. The father must not be worried.""Speak to him, child," she answered, trembling.

Hans hurried to the bedside.

"I am glad you are feeling better," he said, leaning over his father. "Another day will see you quite strong again.""Aye, like enough. How long did the money last, Hans? I could not hear your mother. What did she say?""I said, Raff," stammered Dame Brinker in great distress, "that it was all gone.""Well, well, wife, do not fret at that; one thousand guilders is not so very much for ten years and with children to bring up. .

.but it has helped to make you all comfortable. Have you had much sickness to bear?""No, no," sobbed Dame Brinker, lifting her apron to her eyes.

"Tut, tut, woman, why do you cry?" said Raff kindly. "We will soon fill another pouch when I am on my feet again. Lucky I told you all about it before I fell.""Told me what, man?""Why, that I buried the money. In my dream just now, it seemed that I had never said aught about it."Dame Brinker started forward. Hans caught her arm.

"Hist! Mother," he whispered, hastily leading her away, "we must be very careful." Then, while she stood with clasped hands waiting in breathless anxiety, he once more approached the cot.

Trembling with eagerness he said, "That was a troublesome dream.

Do you remember WHEN you buried the money, Father?""Yes, my boy. It was just before daylight on the same day I was hurt. Jan Kamphuisen said something, the sundown before, that made me distrust his honesty. He was the only one living besides Mother who knew that we had saved a thousand guilders, so I rose up that night and buried the money--blockhead that I was ever to suspect an old friend!""I'll be bound, Father," pursued Hans in a laughing voice, motioning to his mother and Gretel to remain quiet, "that you've forgotten where you buried it.""Ha! ha! Not I, indeed. But good night, my son, I can sleep again."Hans would have walked away, but his mother's gestures were not to be disobeyed. So he said gently, "Good night, Father. Where did you say you buried the money? I was only a little one then.""Close by the willow sapling behind the cottage," said Raff Brinker drowsily.

"Ah, yes. North side of the tree, wasn't it, Father?""No, the south side. Ah, you know the spot well enough, you rogue. Like enough you were there when your mother lifted it.

Now, son, easy. Shift this pillow so. Good night.""Good night, Father!" said Hans, ready to dance for joy.

The moon rose very late that night, shining in, full and clear, at the little window, but its beams did not disturb Raff Brinker.

He slept soundly; so did Gretel. As for Hans and his mother, they had something else to do.

After ****** a few hurried preparations, they stole forth with bright, expectant faces, bearing a broken spade and a rusty implement that had done many a day's service when Raff was a hale worker on the dikes.

It was so light out of doors that they could see the willow tree distinctly. The frozen ground was hard as stone, but Hans and his mother were resolute. Their only dread was that they might disturb the sleepers in the cottage.

"This ysbreeker is just the thing, Mother," said Hans, striking many a vigorous blow, "but the ground has set so firm it'll be a fair match for it.""Never fear, Hans," she answered, watching him eagerly. "Here, let me try awhile."They soon succeeded in ****** an impression. One opening and the rest was not so difficult.

Still they worked on, taking turns and whispering cheerily to one another. Now and then Dame Brinker stepped noiselessly over the threshold and listened, to be certain that her husband slept.

"What grand news it will be for him," she said, laughing, "when he is strong enough to bear it. How I should like to put the pouch and the stocking, just as we find them, all full of money, near him this blessed night, for the dear man to see when he wakens.""We must get them first, Mother," panted Hans, still tugging away at his work.

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    昏暗的地宫,阴潮的湿气扑面而来,冰冷的墙体将其中的一切禁锢,无尽的黑暗恐惧涌向角落里残破的身影。“公主,您的囚期已满,请吧………”地宫内阴暗冷寂,地宫外艳阳明媚。妖术被封印,在这弱肉强食的妖界便是死路。 一位是冷血战王,另一位是她身后的操纵者,他们一个教会她恨,一个教会她狠。要生存,便要竞争,权位相争,便是你死我活。 当她的真实身份被揭穿,妖界已无她的容身之地,一朝叛变,她带领百万傀儡军团霸气归来。原来,从她进入皇城开始——这一切的一切, 都是一场精心筹划的阴谋……(妖界)