

Wiggins smoking her pipe in the corner. The very thought makes me shiver. My first words would be, 'Please pass the cold p'ison.'""What nonsense you are talking tonight!" she tried to say severely, but the pleased, happy look in her eyes betrayed her. He regarded her with the open admiration of a boy, and she sought to divert his attention by asking, "What do you think has become of Jane?""I don't know--stealing around like a strange cat in some relation's house, Isuppose.""You once said you would like to do something for her.""Well, I would. If I could afford it, I'd like to send her to school.""Would you like her to come here and study lessons part of the time?"He shivered visibly. "No, Alida, and you wouldn't either. She'd make you more nervous than she would me, and that's saying a good deal. I do feel very sorry for her, and if Mrs. Weeks comes to see you, we'll find out if something can't be done, but her presence would spoil all our cozy comfort. The fact is, I wouldn't enjoy having anyone here. You and I are just about company enough. Still, if you feel that you'd like to have some help--""Oh, no! I haven't enough to do.""But you're always a-doing. Well, if you're content, I haven't Christian fortitude enough to make any changes."She smiled and thought that she was more than content. She had begun to detect symptoms in her husband which her own heart enabled her to interpret.

In brief, it looked as if he were drifting on a smooth, swift tide to the same haven in which she was anchored.

One unusually warm morning for the season, rain set in after breakfast.

Holcroft did not fret in the least that he could not go to the fields, nor did he, as had been his custom at first, find rainy-day work at the barn. The cows, in cropping the lush grass, had so increased their yield of milk that it was necessary to churn every other day, and Alida was busy in the dairy. This place had become inviting by reason of its coolness, and she had rendered it more so by ****** it perfectly clean and sweet. Strange to say, it contained another chair besides the one she usually occupied. The apartment was large and stone-flagged. Along one side were shelves filled with rows of shining milk-pans. In one corner stood the ****** machinery which the old dog put in motion when tied upon his movable walk, and the churn was near. An iron pipe, buried deep in the ground, brought cool spring water from the brook above.

This pipe emptied its contents with a low gurgle into a shallow, oblong receptacle sunk in the floor, and was wide and deep enough for two stone crocks of ample size to stand abreast up to their rims in the water. The cream was skimmed into these stone jars until they were full, then Holcroft emptied them into the churn. He had charged Alida never to attempt this part of the work, and indeed it was beyond her strength. After breakfast on churning days, he prepared everything and set the dog at work. Then he emptied the churn of the buttermilk when he came in to dinner.

All the associations of the place were pleasant to Alida. It was here that her husband had shown patience as well as kindness in teaching her how to supplement his work until her own experience and judgment gave her a better skill than he possessed. Many pleasant, laughing words had passed between them in this cool, shadowy place, and on a former rainy morning he had brought a chair down that he might keep her company. She had not carried it back, nor was she very greatly surprised to see him saunter in and occupy it on the present occasion. She stood by the churn, her figure outlined clearly in the light from the open door, as she poured in cold water from time to time to hasten and harden the gathering butter. Her right sleeve was rolled well back, revealing a white arm that was becoming beautifully plump and round. An artist would have said that her attitude and action were unconsciously natural and graceful. Holcroft had scarcely the remotest idea of artistic effect, but he had a sensible man's perception of a charming woman when she is charming.

  • 佛说法常住经


  • 佛说无量门破魔陀罗尼经


  • 词选序张惠言


  • 说林下


  • 五虎平南


  • 斗罗中的明日玩家


  • 乞活西晋末


  • 重生之再度纵横


  • 羊皮纸


  • 盛宠公主:亲亲相公我很乖


  • TFBoys之喜欢你真的很痛苦


  • 神魂天尊


  • 等待下一次青春


  • 抱上男主大腿后反派又赖上我了


    都怪自己一时手贱,把自己的名字当做人物名称给写了进去。写进去不要紧,竟然把自己写成了恶毒女配!一朝穿书,自己把自己给坑了!许誓言表示:我太难了……自己给自己挖的坑,跪着也要填完。穿书前的许誓言:“我只想码字。”穿书后的许誓言,一心只想摆脱某位大佬!“我说大佬,你能不能别再缠着我了?!” 好马不吃回头草啊喂! “巧了,我就挺喜欢吃回头草的。” 我呸!去你的吧!人家不稀罕前男友,人家只想他的男主儿砸! 谁知一旁的男主“扑通” 一声给大佬跪下了,高声叫道:“爸!” 许誓言:“……”她的高冷儿砸呢?! (PS:阿离是个新手,第一次写文,也是第一次接触这种类型,只甜不虐,中间呢,会根据剧情需要有一点点虐。男女主双处,1V1,女主一直都是男主心中的白月光,他的救赎。最后最重要的一点:不喜勿喷!)
  • 天行

