

Once she asked Hugh to help her with a passage of Dante, but betrayed no memory of the past. His pleased haste to assist her, showed that he at least, if fancy-free, was not memory-clear. She thanked him very gently and truly, took up her book like a school-girl, and limped away. Hugh was smitten to the heart. "If Icould but do something for her!" thought he; but there was nothing to be done. Although she had deserved it, somehow her behaviour made him feel as if he had wronged her in ceasing to love her.

One day, in the end of September, Mr. Arnold and Hugh were alone after breakfast. Mr. Arnold spoke:

"Mr. Sutherland, I have altered my plans with regard to Harry. Iwish him to spend the winter in London."

Hugh listened and waited. Mr. Arnold went on, after a slight pause:

"There I wish him to reap such advantages as are to be gained in the metropolis. He has improved wonderfully under your instruction; and is now, I think, to be benefited principally by a variety of teachers. I therefore intend that he shall have masters for the different branches which it is desirable he should study.

Consequently I shall be compelled to deny him your services, valuable as they have hitherto been.""Very well, Mr. Arnold," said Mr. Sutherland, with the indifference of one who feels himself ill-used. "When shall I take my leave of him?""Not before the middle of the next month, at the earliest. But Iwill write you a cheque for your salary at once."So saying, Mr. Arnold left the room for a moment, and returning, handed Hugh a cheque for a year's salary. Hugh glanced at it, and offering it again to Mr. Arnold, said:

"No, Mr. Arnold; I can claim scarcely more than half a year's salary.""Mr. Sutherland, your engagement was at so much a year; and if Iprevent you from fulfilling your part of it, I am bound to fulfil mine. Indeed, you might claim further provision.""You are very kind, Mr. Arnold."

"Only just," rejoined Mr. Arnold, with conscious dignity. "I am under great obligation to you for the way in which you have devoted yourself to Harry."Hugh's conscience gave him a pang. Is anything more painful than undeserved praise?

"I have hardly done my duty by him," said he.

"I can only say that the boy is wonderfully altered for the better, and I thank you. I am obliged to you: oblige me by putting the cheque in your pocket."Hugh persisted no longer in his refusal; and indeed it had been far more a feeling of pride than of justice that made him decline accepting it at first. Nor was there any generosity in Mr. Arnold's cheque; for Hugh, as he admitted, might have claimed board and lodging as well. But Mr. Arnold was one of the ordinarily honourable, who, with perfect characters for uprightness, always contrive to err on the safe side of the purse, and the doubtful side of a severely interpreted obligation. Such people, in so doing, not unfrequently secure for themselves, at the same time, the reputation of generosity.

Hugh could not doubt that his dismissal was somehow or other connected with the loss of the ring; but he would not stoop to inquire into the matter. He hoped that time would set all right;and, in fact, felt considerable indifference to the opinion of Mr. Arnold, or of any one in the house, except Harry.

The boy burst into tears when informed of his father's decision with regard to his winter studies, and could only be consoled by the hope which Hugh held out to him--certainly upon a very slight foundation--that they might meet sometimes in London. For the little time that remained, Hugh devoted himself unceasingly to his pupil; not merely studying with him, but walking, riding, reading stories, and going through all sorts of exercises for the strengthening of his person and constitution. The best results followed both for Harry and his tutor.

  • 天行


  • 从斗罗大陆I开始穿越


  • 持笔从戎


  • 九龙星辰诀


  • 无极剑圣之至尊剑道


    (快看这个作者日更一万字,我的天!) 一场针对瓦洛兰大陆的阴谋。易来到了另一个世界。在这里,易将继续领悟无极剑道。剑破苍穹,重归英雄联盟,摧毁诺克萨斯的阴谋。本书读者群:565957250,欢迎大家加入!
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  • 岚烨梦起光年渡


    『简介』:他的无尽岁月只为等她,她的两生年华只为待他。訾岚顾,上一世被神秘势力追袭,且看这一世她如何漂亮反击!言寻烨,绝世高手。其一怒曾杀尽所有门派主力,而后不知所踪。被修真界背后称为———杀神。......当訾岚顾带言寻烨回到外祖家,即顾家。这二人缓缓走来,两人状如金童玉女。言大神第一次出现就确立了地位!而且在訾女神不知情滴情况下╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭......訾岚顾:“言寻烨,你喜欢我?”问完,岚顾呆了,言大神愣了......秒秒钟言大神清醒了,温柔笑道:"自然,姑娘可愿跟我?”没回过神的訾女神傻傻点头~点头了!言大神开森惹,回过神的訾扭曲了!!“不行!"“为何?话要算数哟!”“至少现在不跟!”
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