

LEWD, ignorant LEYSTALLS, receptacles of filth LIBERAL, ample LIEGER, ledger, register LIFT(ING), steal(ing)LIGHT, alight LIGHTLY, commonly, usually, often LIKE, please LIKELY, agreeable, pleasing LIME-HOUND, leash-, blood-hound LIMMER, vile, worthless LIN, leave off Line, "by --," by rule LINSTOCK, staff to stick in the ground, with forked head to hold a lighted match for firing cannon LIQUID, clear LIST, listen, hard; like, please LIVERY, legal term, delivery of the possession, etc.

LOGGET, small log, stick LOOSE, solution; upshot, issue; release of an arrow LOSE, give over, desist from; waste LOUTING, bowing, cringing LUCULENT, bright of beauty LUDGATHIANS, dealers on Ludgate Hill LURCH, rob, cheat LUTE, to close a vessel with some kind of cement MACK, unmeaning expletive MADGE_HOWLET or own, barn-owl MAIM, hurt, injury MAIN, chief concern (used as a quibble on heraldic term for "hand")MAINPRISE, becoming surety for a prisoner so as to procure his release MAINTENANCE, giving aid, or abetting MAKE, mate MAKE, MADE, acquaint with business, prepare(d), instruct(ed)MALLANDERS, disease of horses MALT HORSE, dray horse MAMMET, puppet MAMMOTHREPT, spoiled child MANAGE, control (term used for breaking-in horses); handling, administration MANGO, slave-dealer MANGONISE, polish up for sale MANIPLES, bundles, handfuls MANKIND, masculine, like a virago MANEIND, humanity MAPLE FACE, spotted face (N.E.D.)MARCH PANE, a confection of almonds, sugar, etc.

MARK, "fly to the --," "generally said of a goshawk when, having 'put in' a covey of partridges, she takes stand, ****** the spot where they disappeared from view until the falconer arrives to put them out to her"(Harting, Bibl. Accip. Gloss. 226)

MARLE, marvel MARROW-BONE MAN, one often on his knees for prayer MARRY! exclamation derived from the Virgin's name MARRY GIP, "probably originated from By Mary Gipcy = St. Mary of Egypt, (N.E.D.)MARTAGAN, Turk's cap lily MARYHINCHCO, stringhalt MASORETH, Masora, correct form of the scriptural text according to Hebrew tradition Mass, abb. for master MAUND, beg MAUTHER, girl, maid MEAN, moderation MEASURE, dance, more especially a stately one MEAT, "carry -- in one's mouth," be a source of money or entertainment MEATH, metheglin MECHANICAL, belonging to mechanics, mean, vulgar MEDITERRANEO, middle aisle of St. Paul's, a general resort for business and amusement MEET WITH, even with MELICOTTON, a late kind of peach MENSTRUE, solvent MERCAT, market MERD, excrement MERE, undiluted; absolute, unmitigated MESS, party of four METHEGLIN, fermented liquor, of which one ingredient was honey METOPOSCOPY, study of physiognomy MIDDLING GOSSIP, go-between MIGNIARD, dainty, delicate MILE-END, training-ground of the city MINE-MEN, sappers MINION, form of cannon MINSITIVE, (?) mincing, affected (N.E.D.)MISCELLANY MADAM, "a female trader in miscellaneous articles; a dealer in trinkets or ornaments of various kinds, such as kept shops in the New Exchange" (Nares)MISCELLINE, mixed grain; medley MISCONCEIT, misconception MISPRISE, MISPRISION, mistake, misunderstanding MISTAKE AWAY, carry away as if by mistake MITHRIDATE, an antidote against poison MOCCINIGO, small Venetian coin, worth about ninepence MODERN, in the mode; ordinary, common-place MOMENT, force or influence of value MONTANTO, upward stroke MONTH'S MIND, violent desire MOORISH, like a moor or waste MORGLAY, sword of Bevis of Southampton MORRICe-DANCE, dance on May Day, etc., in which certain personages were represented MORTALITY, death MORT-MAL, old score, gangrene MOSCADINO, confection flavoured with musk MOTHER, Hysterica passio MOTION, proposal, request; puppet, puppet-show; "one of the small figures on the face of a large clock which was moved by the vibration of the pendulum" (Whalley)MOTION, suggest, propose MOTLEY, parti-coloured dress of a fool; hence used to signify pertaining to, or like, a fool MOTTE, motto MOURNIVAL, set of four aces or court cards in a hand; a quartette MOW, setord hay or sheaves of grain MUCH! expressive of irony and incredulity MUCKINDER, handkerchief MULE, "born to ride on --," judges or serjeants-at-law formerly rode on mules when going in state to Westminster (Whally)MULLETS, small pincers MUM-CHANCE, game of chance, played in silence MUN, must MUREY, dark crimson red MUSCOVY-GLASS, mica MUSE, wonder MUSICAL, in harmony MUSS, mouse; scramble MYROBOLANE, foreign conserve, "a dried plum, brought from the Indies"MYSTERY, art, trade, profession.

NAIL, "to the --" (ad unguem), to perfection, to the very utmost NATIVE, natural NEAT, cattle NEAT, smartly apparelled; unmixed; dainty NEATLY, neatly finished NEATNESS, elegance NEIS, nose, scent NEUF (NEAF, NEIF), fist NEUFT, newt NIAISE, foolish, inexperienced person NICE, fastidious, trivial, finical, scrupulous NICENESS, fastidiousness NICK, exact amount; right moment; "set in the --" meaning uncertain NICE, suit, fit' hit, seize the right moment, etc., exactly hit on, hit off NOBLE, gold coin worth 6s.8d.

NOCENT, harmful NIL, not will NOISE, company of musicians NOMENTACK, an Indian chief from Virginia NONES, nonce NOTABLE, egregious NOTE, sign, token NOUGHT, "be --," go to the devil, be hanged, etc.

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