

"Ho, Mynheer Henry Ware," replied Cornelius Heemskerk in a loud, clear tone, "I am in your woods on perhaps the same errand that you are.Come from behind that beech and let us see which has the stronger grip."Henry stood forth, and the two clasped hands in a grip so powerful that both winced.Then they released hands simultaneously, and Heemskerk asked:

"And the other four mynheers? Am I wrong to say that they are near, somewhere ?""You are not wrong," replied Henry."They are alive, well and hungry, not a mile from here.There is one man whom they would be very glad to see, and his name is Cornelius Heemskerk, who is roaming in our woods without a permit."The round, ruddy face of the Dutchman glowed.It was obvious that he felt as much delight in seeing Henry as Henry felt in seeing him.

"My heart swells," he said."I feared that you might have been killed or scalped, or, at the best, have gone back to that far land of Kentucky.""We have wintered well," said Henry, "in a place of which I shall not tell you now, and we are here to see the campaign through.""I come, too, for the same purpose," said Heemskerk."We shall be together.It is goot.""Meanwhile," said Henry, "our camp fire is lighted.Jim Hart, whom you have known of old, is cooking strips of meat over the coals, and, although it is a mile away, the odor of them is very pleasant in my nostrils.I wish to go back there, and it will be all the more delightful to me, and to those who wait, if I can bring with me such a welcome guest.""Lead on, mynheer," said Cornelius Heemskerk sententiously.

He received an equally emphatic welcome from the others, and then they ate and talked.Heemskerk was sanguine.

"Something will be done this time," he said."Word has come from the great commander that the Iroquois must be crushed.The thousands who have fallen must be avenged, and this great fire along our border must be stopped.If it cannot be done, then we perish.We have old tales in my own country of the cruel deeds that the Spaniards did long, long ago, but they were not worse than have been done here."The five made no response, but the mind of every one of them traveled back to Wyoming and all that they had seen there, and the scars and traces of many more tragedies.

They reached the camp on Lake Otsego the next day, and Henry saw that all they had heard was true.The most formidable force that they had ever seen was gathering.There were many companies in the Continental buff and blue, epauletted officers, bayonets and cannon.The camp was full of life, energy, and hope, and the five at once felt the influence of it.They found here old friends whom they had known in the march on Oghwaga, William Gray, young Taylor, and others, and they were made very welcome.

They were presented to General James Clinton, then in charge, received roving commissions as scouts and hunters, and with Heemskerk and the two celebrated borderers, Timothy Murphy and David Elerson, they roamed the forest in a great circle about the lake, bringing much valuable information about the movements of the enemy, who in their turn were gathering in force, while the royal authorities were dispatching both Indians and white men from Canada to help them.

These great scouting expeditions saved the five from much impatience.It takes a long time for an army to gather and then to equip itself for the march, and they were so used to swift motion that it was now a part of their nature.At last the army was ready, and it left the lake.Then it proceeded in boats down the Tioga flooded to a sufficient depth by an artificial dam built with immense labor, to its confluence with the larger river.Here were more men, and the five saw a new commander, General James Sullivan, take charge of the united force.Then the army, late in August, began its march upon the Iroquois.

The five were now in the van, miles ahead of the main guard.

They knew that no important movement of so large a force could escape the notice of the enemy, but they, with other scouts, made it their duty to see that the Americans marched into no trap.

  • 革命军


  • 大陀罗尼末法中一字心咒经


  • 华严经持验记


  • Bureaucracy


  • Youth


  • 2013年散文排行榜


  • 天行


  • 鸿蒙至尊天帝


    我心中有个梦,梦见繁华大唐;千年历史沧桑,辗转星辰轮回;笔墨丹香传世,盛世繁华写照;执手与君闯荡,万国再续辉煌。 亿万苍生,万界诸天。 我为天帝,当镇压诸天。
  • 神仙玩家


  • 末世狩记


  • 天行


  • 得到了一个机会


  • 后宫甄嬛传3(修订典藏版)


  • 天行


  • 重生成偏执大佬的掌中娇


    【1V1双洁】甜宠,虐渣 就算你满身污秽如刺猬,仍有我伸手拥抱无忌讳——乔烟“烟儿,你是我的,你只能是我的”——陆承野上辈子在订婚宴上亲眼目睹自己所谓的闺蜜和未婚夫在一起,而自己却成了他们的车下魂。而那个她从未有过接触的人却在她的坟前痛不欲生,她只知道他是权势滔天的陆家掌权人,却不知道他对自己的情谊从何而来。一朝重生,她手撕白莲花脚踩渣男,浴火重生,成为渣男白莲花望而不及的人。而那个前世从没出现过的男人居然频繁出现在她面前。“烟烟,有人欺负我,好痛”陆承野拉着乔烟的小手眼泪汪汪的告状。乔烟看着眼前告状的男人不禁陷入了自我怀疑:这还是那个传说中凶狠的男人吗?