

I think, however, I have now got the better of the difficulties, and made it more certain, as well as more ******, than it was. Ihave done an excellent head of John Hunter in hard white in shorter time than usual. I want to show it you before I repair it."At last Watt seems to have become satisfied: "The lathe," he says, "is very much improved, and you seem to have given the finishing blow to the roofed frame, which appears perfectly stiff. I had some hours' intense thinking upon the machine last night, and have made up my mind on it at last. The great difficulty was about the application of the band, but I have settled it to be much as at present."Watt's letters to Murdock are most particular in details, especially as to screws, nuts, and tubes, with strengths and dimensions, always illustrated with pen-and-ink drawings. And yet all this was done merely for mechanical amusement, and not for any personal pecuniary advantage. While Watt was ****** experiments as to the proper substances to be carved and drilled, he also desired Murdock to make similar experiments. "The nitre," he said in one note, "seems to do harm; the fluor composition seems the best and hardest. Query, what would some calcined pipe-clay do? If you will calcine some fire-clay by a red heat and pound it,--about a pound,--and send it to me, Ishall try to make you a mould or two in Henning's manner to cast this and the sulphur acid iron in. I have made a screwing tool for wood that seems to answer; also one of a one-tenth diameter for marble, which does very well." In another note, Watt says:

"I find my drill readily makes 2400 turns per minute, even with the large drill you sent last; if I bear lightly, a three-quarter ferril would run about 3000, and by an engine that might be doubled."The materials to be drilled into medallions also required much consideration. "I am much obliged to you," said Watt, "for the balls, etc., which answer as well as can be expected. They make great progress in cutting the crust (Ridgways) or alabaster, and also cut marble, but the harder sorts soon blunt them. At any rate, marble does not do for the medallions, as its grain prevents its being cut smooth, and its semi-transparence hurts the effect. I think Bristol lime, or shell lime, pressed in your manner, would have a good effect. When you are at leisure, Ishall thank you for a few pieces, and if some of them are made pink or flesh colour, they will look well. I used the ball quite perpendicular, and it cut well, as most of the cutting is sideways. I tried a fine whirling point, but it made little progress; another with a chisel edge did almost as well as the balls, but did not work so pleasantly. I find a triangular scraping point the best, and I think from some trials it should be quite a sharp point. The wheel runs easier than it did, but has still too much friction. I wished to have had an hour's consultation with you, but have been prevented by sundry matters among others by that plaguey stove, which is now in your hands."Watt was most grateful to Murdock for his unvarying assistance.

In January, 1813, when Watt was in his seventy-seventh year, he wrote to Murdock, asking him to accept a present of a lathe "Ihave not heard from you," he says, "in reply to my letter about the lathe; and, presuming you are not otherwise provided, I have bought it, and request your acceptance of it. At present, an alteration for the better is ****** in the oval chuck, and a few additional chucks, rest, etc., are ****** to the lathe. When these are finished, I shall have it at Billinger's until you return, or as you otherwise direct. I am going on with my drawings for a complete machine, and shall be glad to see you here to judge of them."The drawings were made, but the machine was never finished.

"Invention," said Watt, "goes on very slowly with me now." Four years later, he was still at work; but death put a stop to his "diminishing-machine." It is a remarkable testimony to the skill and perseverance of a man who had already accomplished so much, that it is almost his only unfinished work. Watt died in 1819, in the eighty-third year of his age, to the great grief of Murdock, his oldest and most attached friend and correspondent.

Meanwhile, the firm of Boulton and Watt continued. The sons of the two partners carried it on, with Murdock as their Mentor. He was still full of work and inventive power. In 1802, he applied the compressed air of the Blast Engine employed to blow the cupolas of the Soho Foundry, for the purpose of driving the lathe in the pattern shop. It worked a small engine, with a l2-inch cylinder and 18-inch stroke, connected with the lathe, the speed being regulated as required by varying the admission of the blast. This engine continued in use for about thirty-five years.

In 1803 Murdock experimented on the power of high-pressure steam in propelling shot, and contrived a steam-engine with which he made many trials at Soho, thereby anticipating the apparatus contrived by Mr. Perkins many years later.

In 1810 Murdock took out a patent for boring steam-pipes for water, and cutting columns out of solid blocks of stone, by means of a cylindrical crown saw. The first machine was used at Soho, and afterwards at Mr. Rennie's Works in London, and proved quite successful. Among his other inventions were a lift worked by compressed air, which raised and lowered the castings from the boring-mill to the level of the foundry and the canal bank. He used the same kind of power to ring the bells in his house at Sycamore Hill, and the contrivance was afterwards adopted by Sir Walter Scott in his house at Abbotsford.

  • 世界第一甜墨先生


    【双重生,绝宠,女扮男装,1v1】墨狱凰,L市最神秘矜贵的男人。传闻不近女色,冷血残酷。唯独却对她情有独钟,嗜血深情,偏执成狂。 “想逃你觉得你自己逃的了吗?你是我的。”男人邪佞的声回响在她的耳畔。“你就算把我关到死,我也不会看你一眼。” 然而世人都逃不过真香定律,重生后的她搂紧荷尔蒙爆炸的男人,擦了擦嘴角的口水。 冷血无情,道貌岸然的他却也有小奶狗的一面。“老婆,我想亲亲。”“我婆给我抱抱嘛。”真是传闻有误啊!! 作为保镖的刑修:“爷,夫人太专制,她说什么就是什么!” “我惯的!” 众人哀嚎“爷,此女口蜜腹剑,是颗炮弹,必须解决。” “嗯,糖衣炮弹。” 墨狱凰挥手“都够了,穆卿歌我惯的,我宠的!她说一不二,我都得听她的!” 宠妻之路一定要死磕到底,宠到她再也舍不得离开自己半步。
  • 天行


  • 宋江山——金戈铁马下的海市蜃楼


  • 彩云之南有社长


    【前期校园&后期都市甜宠】 我遇见你,也都是你的安排。柚含,是一个对于现实生活充满热爱的少女,是一位对于任何事物都会憧憬的少女。柳野,是一个校运动员,也是棋社的社长。最重要的是,是唯一一个可以历经千万山河,跨过誓约的人。有夏天的味道,就会想起柚含,如热潮将我融化,繁华人生间一道靓丽的风景线。有秋天的味道,就会想起柳野,如同晚霞般斑斓,恍如江南走来的白衣少年。他笑着说:“柚含,这一切都是为了你。”他说是,就当然会是。因为——彩云向南有个小社长。
  • 天行


  • Fate狩魔人日记


  • 再也不说我爱你


  • 我会仙术


  • 我从不自己动手


  • 造物主是个程序员

