

There was not much danger of meeting any goblins, for all the men at least were left behind him in the palace; but there was considerable danger of his taking a wrong turning, for he had now no light, and had therefore to depend upon his memory and his hands.After he had left behind him the glow that issued from the door of Glump's new abode, he was utterly without guide, so far as his eyes were concerned.

He was most anxious to get back through the hole before the goblins should return to fetch the remains of their furniture.It was not that he was in the least afraid of them, but, as it was of the utmost importance that he should thoroughly discover what the plans they were cherishing were, he must not occasion the slightest suspicion that they were watched by a miner.

He hurried on, feeling his way along the walls of rock.Had he not been very courageous, he must have been very anxious, for he could not but know that if he lost his way it would be the most difficult thing in the world to find it again.Morning would bring no light into these regions; and towards him least of all, who was known as a special rhymester and persecutor, could goblins be expected to exercise courtesy.Well might he wish that he had brought his lamp and tinder-box with him, of which he had not thought when he crept so eagerly after the goblins! He wished it all the more when, after a while, he found his way blocked up, and could get no farther.It was of no use to turn back, for he had not the least idea where he had begun to go wrong.Mechanically, however, he kept feeling about the walls that hemmed him in.His hand came upon a place where a tiny stream of water was running down the face of the rock.'What a stupid I am!' he said to himself.'I am actually at the end of my journey! And there are the goblins coming back to fetch their things!' he added, as the red glimmer of their torches appeared at the end of the long avenue that led up to the cave.In a moment he had thrown himself on the floor, and wriggled backwards through the hole.The floor on the other side was several feet lower, which made it easier to get back.It was all he could do to lift the largest stone he had taken out of the hole, but he did manage to shove it in again.He sat down on the ore-heap and thought.

He was pretty sure that the latter plan of the goblins was to inundate the mine by breaking outlets for the water accumulated in the natural reservoirs of the mountain, as well as running through portions of it.While the part hollowed by the miners remained shut off from that inhabited by the goblins, they had had no opportunity of injuring them thus; but now that a passage was broken through, and the goblins' part proved the higher in the mountain, it was clear to Curdie that the mine could be destroyed in an hour.Water was always the chief danger to which the miners were exposed.They met with a little choke-damp sometimes, but never with the explosive firedamp so common in coal-mines.Hence they were careful as soon as they saw any appearance of water.

As the result of his reflections while the goblins were busy in their old home, it seemed to Curdie that it would be best to build up the whole of this gang, filling it with stone, and clay or lie, so that there should be no smallest channel for the water to get into.There was not, however, any immediate danger, for the execution of the goblins' plan was contingent upon the failure of that unknown design which was to take precedence of it; and he was most anxious to keep the door of communication open, that he might if possible discover what the former plan was.At the same time they could not resume their intermitted labours for the inundation without his finding it out; when by putting all hands to the work, the one existing outlet might in a single night be rendered impenetrable to any weight of water; for by filling the gang entirely up, their embankment would be buttressed by the sides of the mountain itself.

As soon as he found that the goblins had again retired, he lighted his lamp, and proceeded to fill the hole he had made with such stones as he could withdraw when he pleased.He then thought it better, as he might have occasion to be up a good many nights after this, to go home and have some sleep.

How pleasant the night air felt upon the outside of the mountain after what he had gone through in the inside of it! He hurried up the hill without meeting a single goblin on the way, and called and tapped at the window until he woke his father, who soon rose and let him in.He told him the whole story; and, just as he had expected, his father thought it best to work that lode no farther, but at the same time to pretend occasionally to be at work there still in order that the goblins might have no suspicions.Both father and son then went to bed and slept soundly until the morning.

  • 奉和常舍人晚秋集贤


  • 须真天子经


  • 集神州三宝感通录


  • Shelley


  • 录异记


  • 龙飞凤舞


  • 国师大人的贤惠日常


  • 东道圣祖


  • 邪皇圣传


  • 女皇南青鸢


  • 宋人集


  • 那些破儿事


  • 胜在孙子 赢在老子

    胜在孙子 赢在老子

    孙子的《孙子兵法》讲究克敌制胜,比较强势,教导世人在各种境遇中,以主动出击的方式把握主动权;而老子的《道德经》则与之相反,讲究“以柔克刚、以曲求全”,引导世人以“守弱”的方式来达到“强大”。本书汲取《孙子兵法》与《道德经》的精华,将二者巧妙地结合在一起,做到“攻能胜,守能赢”,“能攻能守,能进能退”。本书包含着深奥、经典的大智慧,是帮你敲开智慧大门的金钥匙,其中既有老子“修身立世”的道家绝学,也有孙子“百战百胜”的兵家制胜法宝。 本书的案例由古至今,从中到外,内容形式多姿多彩、耐人品读,或者为你指点迷津,或者为你锦上添花。
  • 天行


  • 不死仙尊

