

"'What's the use of quittin',' says he, 'while there's bait left and the fish are bitin'? Why not keep her goin' through September and October? Two or three ads--MY ads--in the papers, hintin' that the ducks and wild geese are beginnin' to keep the boarders awake by roostin' in the back yard and hollerin' at night--two or three of them, and we'll have gunners here by the regiment. Other summer hotels do it, the Wapatomac House and the rest, so why not us? It hurts my conscience to see good money gettin' past the door 'count of the "Not at Home" sign hung on the knob. What d'you say, partners?' says he.

"Well, we had consider'ble to say, partic'lar Cap'n Jonadab. 'Twas too risky and too expensive. Gunnin' was all right except for one thing--that is, that there wa'n't none wuth mentionin'.

"'Ducks are scurser round here than Democrats in a Vermont town-meetin',' growled the Cap'n. 'And as for geese! How long has it been since you see a goose, Barzilla?'

"'Land knows!' says I. 'I can remember as fur back as the fust time Washy Sparrow left off workin', but I can't--'

"Brown told us to shut up. Did we cal'late he didn't know what he was talkin' about?

"'I can see two geese right now,' he snaps; 'but they're so old and leather-headed you couldn't shoot an idea into their brains with a cannon. Gunnin' ain't the whole thing. My makin' a noise like a duck is only to get the would-be Teddy Roosevelts headed for this neck of the woods. After they get here, it's up to us to keep 'em.

And I can think of as many ways to do that as the Cap'n can of savin' a quarter. Our baseball team's been a success, ain't it?

Sure thing! Then why not a football team? Parker says he'll get it together, and coach and cap'n it, too. And Robinson and his daughter have agreed to stay till October fifteenth. So there's a start, anyhow.'

"'Twas a start, and a pretty good one. The Robinsons had come to the Old Home about the fust of August, and they was our star boarders. 'G. W. Robinson' was the old man's name as entered on the hotel log, and his daughter answered to the hail of 'Grace'--that is, when she took a notion to answer at all. The Robinsons was what Peter T. called 'exclusive.' They didn't mix much with the rest of the bunch, but kept to themselves in their rooms, partic'lar when a fresh net full of boarders was hauled aboard.

Then they seemed to take an observation of every arrival afore they mingled; questioned the pedigree and statistics of all hands, and acted mighty suspicious.

"The only thing that really stirred Papa Robinson up and got him excited and friendly was baseball and boat racin'. He was an old sport, that was plain, the only real plain thing about him; the rest was mystery. As for Grace, she wa'n't plain by a good sight, bein' what Brown called a 'peach.' She could have had every single male in tow if she'd wanted 'em. Apparently she didn't want em, preferrin' to be lonesome and sad and interestin'. Yes, sir, there was a mystery about them Robinsons, and even Peter T. give in to that.

"'If 'twas anybody else,' says he, 'I'd say the old man was a crook, down here hidin' from the police. But he's too rich for that, and always has been. He ain't any fly-by-night. I can tell the real article without lookin' for the "sterlin'" mark on the handle. But I'll bet all the cold-storage eggs in the hotel against the henyard--and that's big odds--that he wa'n't christened Robinson. And his face is familiar to me. I've seen it somewhere, either in print or in person. I wish I knew where.'

"So if the Robinsons had agreed to stay--them and their two servants--that was a big help, as Brown said. And Parker would help, too, though we agreed there wa'n't no mystery about him. He was a big, broad-shouldered young feller just out of college somewheres, who had drifted our way the fortni't after the Robinsons came, with a reputation for athletics and a leanin' toward cigarettes and Miss Grace. She leaned a little, too, but hers wa'n't so much of a bend as his was. He was dead gone on her, and if she'd have decided to stay under water, he'd have ducked likewise. 'Twas easy enough to see why HE believed in a 'supplementary season.'

"Me and Jonadab argued it out with Peter, and finally we met halfway, so's to speak. We wouldn't keep the whole shebang open, but we'd shut up everything but one Annex cottage, and advertise that as a Gunner's Retreat. So we done it.

"And it worked. Heavens to Betsy--yes! It worked so well that by the second week in September we had to open t'other Annex. The gunnin' was bad, but Peter's ads fetched the would-be's, and his 'excursions' and picnics and the football team held 'em. The football team especial. Parker cap'ned that, and, from the gunnin' crew and the waiters and some fishermen in the village, he dug up an eleven that showed symptoms of playin' the game. We played the Trumet High School, and beat it, thanks to Parker, and that tickled Pa Robinson so that he bought a two-handled silver soup tureen--'lovin' cup,' he called it--and agreed to give it to the team round about that won the most of the series. So the series was arranged, the Old Home House crowd and the Wapatomac House eleven and three high-school gangs bein' in it. And 'twas practice, practice, practice, from then on.

"When we opened the second Annex, the question of help got serious.

Most of our college waiters had gone back to school, and we was pretty shy of servants. So we put some extry advertisin' in the Cape weeklies, and trusted in Providence.

"The evenin' followin' the ad in the weeklies, I was settin' smokin' on the back piazza of the shut-up main hotel, when I heard the gate click and somebody crunchin' along the clam-shell path. I sung out: 'Ahoy, there!' and the cruncher, whoever he was, come my way.

Then I made out that he was a tall young chap, with his hands in his pockets.

"'Good evenin',' says he. 'Is this Mr. Brown?'

"'Thankin' you for the compliment, it ain't,' I says. 'My name's Wingate.'

  • Rinkitink In Oz

    Rinkitink In Oz

  • 周易举正


  • 白雪遗音


  • 类证普济本事方续集


  • 禅源诸诠集都序


  • 星语混沌


  • 查理九世之幽灵之歌


  • EXO吸血鬼殿下


  • 全能大佬她快穿回来了


    【双宠+打脸】 时隔十几年,闵城乔家终于把放逐在国外的二小姐接回来了。不过这件事并没有在闵城的上流圈子里溅起多大的水花。毕竟,谁让这个二小姐根本不受重视,甚至连个养女都不如呢?外界传闻,乔二小姐愚蠢、阴郁、18岁了连书都没有读过的。然而,没人知道,她是站在时尚圈顶端的设计师,是被无数粉丝追捧的神秘音乐人,是被书画协会苦苦寻找的国画天才,是被“对手”视为绝不能招惹的疯子……更是个……穿越过N个位面的超级大佬。**容家四少仗着有人撑腰,不务正业的跑去做了个文物修复师,是京城上流圈子里出名的笑话,特别是在他几个同辈兄弟的成就下更是显得黯淡无光。但是,人家容四少用他一贯喜欢的打脸方式告诉那些看笑话的人:有些人看起来很闲,但其实是个大杀器。——当马甲大佬和大杀器撞上了……全世界都想静一静。一句话,开挂的人生不需要解释。
  • 幻世纪年


  • 万古天帝宗


  • 玻璃少男


  • 那个女人的使命


  • 傲慢与偏见理智与情感


  • 穿越之孽缘难逃

