
第3章 CHAPTER I.(3)

I hope that I may not be misunderstood as saying that we should not discuss foreign politics in our press, our parliament, our public meetings, or our private houses. No man could be mad enough to preach such a doctrine. As regards our parliament, that is probably the best British school of foreign politics, seeing that the subject is not there often taken up by men who are absolutely ignorant, and that mistakes when made are subject to a correction which is both rough and ready. The press, though very liable to error, labors hard at its vocation in teaching foreign politics, and spares no expense in letting in daylight. If the light let in be sometimes moonshine, excuse may easily be made. Where so much is attempted, there must necessarily be some failure. But even the moonshine does good if it be not offensive moonshine. What I would deprecate is, that aptness at reproach which we assume; the readiness with scorn, the quiet words of insult, the instant judgment and condemnation with which we are so inclined to visit, not the great outward acts, but the smaller inward politics of our neighbors.

And do others spare us? will be the instant reply of all who may read this. In my counter reply I make bold to place myself and my country on very high ground, and to say that we, the older and therefore more experienced people as regards the United States, and the better governed as regards France, and the stronger as regards all the world beyond, should not throw mud again even though mud be thrown at us. I yield the path to a small chimney-sweeper as readily as to a lady; and forbear from an interchange of courtesies with a Billingsgate heroine, even though at heart I may have a proud consciousness that I should not altogether go to the wall in such an encounter.

I left England in August last--August, 1861. At that time, and for some months previous, I think that the general English feeling on the American question was as follows: "This wide-spread nationality of the United States, with its enormous territorial possessions and increasing population, has fallen asunder, torn to pieces by the weight of its own discordant parts--as a congregation when its size has become unwieldy will separate, and reform itself into two wholesome wholes. It is well that this should be so, for the people are not homogeneous, as a people should be who are called to live together as one nation. They have attempted to combine free-soil sentiments with the practice of slavery, and to make these two antagonists live together in peace and unity under the same roof;but, as we have long expected, they have failed. Now has come the period for separation; and if the people would only see this, and act in accordance with the circumstances which Providence and the inevitable hand of the world's Ruler has prepared for them, all would be well. But they will not do this. They will go to war with each other. The South will make her demands for secession with an arrogance and instant pressure which exasperates the North;and the North, forgetting that an equable temper in such matters is the most powerful of all weapons, will not recognize the strength of its own position. It allows itself to be exasperated, and goes to war for that which if regained would only be injurious to it.

Thus millions on millions sterling will be spent. A heavy debt will be incurred; and the North, which divided from the South might take its place among the greatest of nations, will throw itself back for half a century, and perhaps injure the splendor of its ultimate prospects. If only they would be wise, throw down their arms, and agree to part! But they will not."This was I think the general opinion when I left England. It would not, however, be necessary to go back many months to reach the time when Englishmen were saying how impossible it was that so great a national power should ignore its own greatness and destroy its own power by an internecine separation. But in August last all that had gone by, and we in England had realized the probability of actual secession.

To these feelings on the subject maybe added another, which was natural enough though perhaps not noble. "These western cocks have crowed loudly," we said; "too loudly for the comfort of those who live after all at no such great distance from them. It is well that their combs should be clipped. Cocks who crow so very loudly are a nuisance. It might have gone so far that the clipping would become a work necessarily to be done from without. But it is ten times better for all parties that it should be done from within;and as the cocks are now clipping their own combs, in God's name let them do it, and the whole world will be the quieter." That, Isay, was not a very noble idea; but it was natural enough, and certainly has done somewhat in mitigating that grief which the horrors of civil war and the want of cotton have caused to us in England.

  • 本语


  • 秋星阁诗话


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  • 四代


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  • 仙门遍地是奇葩


  • 都市之六界裁决者


  • 四重夜行者


  • 涅槃重生之弃妇闯豪门


  • 最好的时光遇见你


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  • 辅助造神系统


  • 恶魔寄生者


  • 全世界面前说爱你


  • 全世界都想攻略白莲女配


    锦书芜穿书了!穿的还是本重生文。穿就穿吧,可为什么是穿在了婴儿的身上?还是个刚出生的婴儿!什么?这个婴儿居然是白莲花女配?重生回来的女主又飒又狠,身为白莲花女配的她战战兢兢,不敢招惹,生怕一个不小心小命不保,名声给你,钱给你,人也……一向沉默寡言神秘莫测的男人突然伸手一拉,将某人拉进怀中,薄唇一勾,霸道宣称:“人,是我的!”众粉丝哭天抢地:男神你睁睁眼!这是个白莲花啊!!!男人低头一脸宠溺地看着待在自己怀里的小姑娘,“宝贝,玩够了?”锦书芜看着周围那些来追杀自己的人,无奈地扶额,垂眸。再抬起眼时,眼中却是一片冰冷肃杀,和之前的柔弱白莲判若两人,她一脚踩着黑衣人,迎风而立,周身散发着女王之气,脸上是嗜血的笑,“当然不够。” 【不是纯女强,别误会,文风轻松搞笑,谨慎入坑】