

And,Dennie,who would n't want to marry Elinor Wream?""Yes,who wouldn't?"Dennie looked up with a smile.

And if there were tears in her eyes Burgess knew they were born of Dennie's sweet spirit of sympathy.

"What is wrong,then?"she asked."Is Elinor unwilling?""Elinor and I are bound by promises to each other,although no word has ever been spoken between us.It is impossible to make any change now.

We are very happy,of course."

"Of course,"Dennie echoed.

"I had a letter from Dr.Wream last night.A pitiful letter,for he's getting near the brink.Dennie--these funds I hold--I have never quite understood,but I had felt sure there was no other claimant.There was a clause in the strangely-worded bequest:

`for V.B.and his heirs.Failing in that,to the nearest related V.B.'It was a thing for lawyers,not Greek professors,to settle,and I came to be the nearest related V.B.,Vincent Burgess,for Ifind the money belonged to my sister's husband,and I thought he left no heirs and I am the nearest related V.B.by marriage,you see?""Well?"Dennie's mind was jumping to the end.

"My sister married a Victor Burleigh,who came to Kansas to find his brother.Both men are dead now.The only one of the two families living is this brother's son,young Victor Burleigh,junior in Sunrise College.He knows nothing of his Uncle Victor,my brother-in-law--nor of money that he might claim.

He belongs to the soil out here.Nobody has any claims on him,nor has he any ambition for a chair in Harvard,nor any promise to marry and provide for a beautiful girl who looks upon him as her future guardian."Vincent Burgess suddenly ceased speaking and looked at Dennie.

"I cannot break an old man's heart.He implores me not to reveal all this,but I had to tell somebody,and you are the best friend a man could ever have,Dennie Saxon,so I come to you,"he added presently.

"When did this Dr.Wream find out about Vic?"Dennie asked.

"A month ago.Some strange-looking tramp of a fellow brought him proofs that are incontestable,"Burgess replied.

"And it is for an old man's peace you would keep this secret?"Dennie questioned.

"For him and for Elinor--and for myself.Don't hate me,Dennie.Elinor looks upon me as her future husband.I have promised to provide for her with the comforts denied her by her father,and I have lived in the ambition of holding that Harvard chair--Oh,it is all a hopeless tangle.

I could never go to Victor Burleigh now.He would not believe that Ihad been ignorant of his claim all this time.He was never wrapped up in the pursuit of a career--Oh,Dennie,Dennie,what shall I do?"He rose to his feet and Dennie stood up before him.

He gently rested his hands on her shoulders and looked down at her.

"What shall you do?"Dennie repeated,slowly."Whisky,Money,Ambition--the appetite that destroys!Vincent Burgess,if you want to win a Master's Degree,win to the Mastery of Manhood first.

The sins of the fathers,yours and mine,we cannot undo.

But you can be a man."

She had put her dimpled hands on his arms as they stood there,and the brave courage of her upturned face called back again the rainy May night,and the face of Victor Burleigh beside Bug Buler's cot,and his low voice as he said:

"I cannot play in tomorrow's game and be a man."

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