
第39章 军事(4)

guerrilla [g[5rIl[]游击队India has launched a manhunt for as many as 400Indian Maoist guerrillas and hundreds of other prisoners who escaped from a jail in Bihar after anattack by the rebels(.CNN)

halt [hC:lt]停止

A nationwide general strike called by the opposition parties brings life toa halt in Bangladesh(.BBC)

helicopter [5helIkCpt[]直升飞机A corporate helicopter plunged into the East River just blocks south of the United Nations on Friday,the second helicopter crash in four days in thewaters off Manhattan(.FOX NEWS)

hostile [5hCstail]敌意的、不友好的hostility [hCs5tIlItI]敌意、敌视The measure was conceived by President Jacques Chirac but hasencountered hostility in the United States,failed to win widespread backingin Europe and upset airlines which fear it could drive passengers away.(Reuters)

Talks between North and South Korea,the United States,China,Russia and Japan have been on hold for a year because Pyongyang has boycotted them,saying Washington‘s policy toward the communist state is hostile.(USA TODAY)

hurt [h[:t]损伤、伤害

Overnight,five police officers were hurt and 115people detained.Policehave arrested 2,767people since the unrest began(.Reuters)

implement [5ImplIm[nt]贯彻、实行Angela Merkel is set to become Germany’s first woman chancellor on Tuesday,but must avoid infighting in a coalition with former leftist foes toimplement reforms designed to revive Europe‘s largest economy(.Reuters)

incursion [In5k[:F[n]袭击、侵入The battle followed a Swapo incursion from Angola that jeopardised the country’s independence process,which had begun on April 1,1989.

Namibia won independence from South Africa in 1990(.Herald)

The New Zealand

initiate [I5nIFIeit]发动、创始After taking office Saturday,Rajapakse ruled out the rebels‘demand for greater control over Tamil affairs,saying he would never let Sri Lanka be divided.But he pledged not to return the country to war and said he wouldinitiate a new round of talks with the rebels(.AP)

insurgent [In5s[:dV[nt]叛乱分子insurgency [In5s[:dV[nsI]叛乱、暴动、起义American and Iraqi troops killed 45suspected insurgents Monday as Operation Steel Curtain entered a third town near the Syrian border,the U.S.military said(.CNN)

Operation Steel Curtain was launched in Husayba on November 5and continued into parts of the nearby city of Karabila.The offensive is aimedat rooting out the insurgency in the area(.CNN)

intercept [Int[5sept]拦截The Navy intercepted and destroyed a warhead as it separated from its booster rocket during a test Thursday off Hawaii -the first time a ship atsea has shot down a multi-stage missile(.AP)

intrude [In5trU:d]侵入、闯入、打扰

As we intrude into the last remaining wildernesses,especially tropicalrain forests,we are inevitably exposed to new viruses(.Reuters)

invade [In5veid]入侵、侵略invasion [In5veiV[n]入侵、侵略With the administration sharply countering the critics of its war policies,Vice President Dick Cheney on Monday is to deliver another speechdefending the decision to invade Iraq in March 2003(.ABC)

Condoleezza Rice was a chief architect of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq as White House national security adviser during President Bush’s first term and she accompanied Bush on his own surprise visit to Iraq onThanksgiving Day 2003(.USA TODAY)

investigate [In5vestIgeit]调查investigation [InvestI5geiF[n]调查A UN team investigating the killing of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariritakes a statement from President Lahoud(.BBC)

Reporter Judith Miller,a central figure in the CIA leak investigation that resulted in the indictment of former vice presidential chief of staff I.Lewis “Scooter”Libby,is leaving the paper effective immediately,The New YorkTimes confirmed to FOX News on Wednesday(.FOX NEWS)

joint military exercise 联合军事演习The Chinese missile destroyer Shenzhen and supply ship Weishanhu will conduct naval drills with Indian warships in waters off Kochi in Kerala,marking only the second joint military exercise between the two side.(Reuters)

joint naval exercise(training )海军联合演习India and China conducted their first joint naval exercise off Shanghai in November 2003,several months after then defence minister George Fernandes and prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Beijing to boostbilateral ties(.Reuters)

launch [lC:ntF]发射、发动China,which launched its first manned space mission just two years ago,plans to put a man on the moon around 2017and investigate what may bethe perfect source of fuel,a newspaper reported on Friday(.Reuters)

lieutenant [lef5ten[nt][lu:5ten[nt]海军上尉、副职官员Ibrahim is the highest-ranking lieutenant of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to remain at large more than two years after the U.S.invasion ofIraq(.CNN)

major [5meidV[]陆军上校Khadim Sarhid al-Hemaiyem was the leader of the Sunni Batta tribe and the brother of a parliamentary candidate in the Dec.15election,the official,Maj.Falah al-Mohammedawi said.Another of the slain man‘s brothers saidthe family has been attacked before(.CBS)

marine [m[5rI:n]船舶、海军士兵

A U.S.Marine has been killed in western Iraq,while insurgents attackedtwo military convoys in Baghdad,authorities said Friday(.CNN)

marshal [5mB:[l]元帅

Air Chief Marshal has reiterated that Pakistan still remained a securitychallenged for the country(.The Nation)

military [5mIlIt[rI]军事military adviser 军事参谋(顾问)military aid 军事援助military build-up 军事集结The US and Japan agree plans to halve the number of marines onOkinawa and boost military co-operation(.BBC)

“For all these years,I had to carry this inside me,”said Alvarado,who testified that he was abducted as a college student and tortured into falselyconfessing to the murder of a U.S.military adviser(.CBS)

The United States has lifted an arms embargo against Indonesia,ending a six-year ban on military aid to the world’s most populous Muslim nationimposed due to human rights concerns(.AP)

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