

"If you would learn, man," he said, in his great voice, "in the world I was known as Sir Andrew Arnold, one of the priors of the Order of the Templars, which is a name that you may have heard. But now that I have laid aside all worldly pomp and greatness, I am but Father Andrew, of Dunwich, in England."

"Yes, yes, I have heard the name; who has not?" said the lawyer humbly; "also you are here as guardian to the lady Eve Clavering, are you not, to lay a certain cause before his Holiness? Oh! do not start, all these matters came to my knowledge who am concerned in every great business in Avignon as the chief agent and procurator of the Papal Court, though it is true that this tiding has reached me only within the last few minutes and from the lips of your own people. Holy Father, I pray your pardon for breaking in upon you, which I did only because the matter is very pressing. Sir Hugh de Cressi here has a cause to lay before the Pope with which you may be acquainted. Well, for two days I have striven to win him an audience, and now through my sole influence, behold! 'tis granted. See here," and he produced a parchment that purported to be signed by the Pope's secretary and countersigned by a cardinal, and read:

"'If the English knight, Sir Hugh de Cressi, and his squire, the captain Richard, will be in the chamber of audience at the palace at seven of the clock this evening' (that is, within something less than half an hour), 'his Holiness will be pleased to receive them as a most special boon, having learned that the said Sir Hugh is a knight much in favour with his Grace of England, who appointed him his champion in a combat that was lately to be fought at Venice.'"

"That's true enough, though I know not how the Pope heard of it," interrupted Hugh.

"Through me, Sir Knight, for I learn everything. None have so much power in Avignon as I, although it often pleases me to seem poor and of no account. But let that pass. Either you must take this opportunity or be content not to see his Holiness at all. Orders have been issued because of the increase of this pest in Avignon, that from to-night forward none shall be admitted to the palace upon any pretext whatsoever; no, not even a king."

"Then I had best go," said Hugh.

"Ay," answered Sir Andrew, "and return here with your tidings as soon as may be. Yet," he added in a low voice to Grey ****, "I love not the look of this scurvy guide of yours. Could not your master have found a better attorney?"

"Perhaps," answered ****, "that is if one is left alive in Avignon.

Being in haste we took the first that came to hand, and it seems that he will serve our turn. At least, if he plays tricks, I promise it will be the worse for him," and he looked grimly at the rogue, who was talking to David Day and appeared to hear nothing.

So they went, and with them David, who had witnessed the confession of Father Nicholas. Therefore they thought it best that he should accompany them to testify to it if there were need.

"Bid my lady keep a good heart and say that I will be with her again ere long," said Hugh as they descended the stairs in haste.

Following the guidance of Basil, they turned first this way and then that, till soon in the gathering darkness they knew not where they were.

"What was the name of the street in which Sir Andrew had his lodging?" asked Hugh, halting.

"Rue St. Benezet," answered Basil. "Forward, we have no time to lose."

"Did you tell Sir Andrew where we dwelt, master?" said **** presently, "for I did not."

"By my faith, ****, no; it slipped my mind."

"Then it will be hard for him to find us if he has need, master, in this rabbit warren of a town. Still that can't be mended now. I wish we were clear of this business, for it seems to me that yon fellow is not leading us toward the palace. Almost am I minded----" and he looked at Basil, then checked himself.

Presently **** wished it still more. Taking yet another turn they found themselves in an open square or garden that was surrounded by many mean houses. In this square great pest-fires burned, lighting it luridly. By the flare of them they saw that hundreds of people were gathered there listening to a mad-eyed friar who was preaching to them from the top of a wine-cart. As they drew near to the crowd through which Basil was leading them, Hugh heard the friar shouting:

"Men of Avignon, this pest which kills us is the work not of God, but of the Jew blasphemers and of the sorcerers who are in league with them. I tell you that two such sorcerers who pass as Englishmen are in your city now and have been consorting with the Jews, plotting your destruction. One looks like a young knight, but the other has the face of Death himself, and both of them wrought murders in a neighbouring town to protect the Jews. Until you kill the accursed Jews this plague will never pass. You will die, every one of you, with your wives and children if you do not kill the Jews and their familiars."

Just then the man, rolling his wild eyes about, caught sight of Hugh and ****.

"See!" he screamed. "There are the wizards who in Venice were seen in the company of the Enemy of Mankind. That good Christian, Basil, has brought them face to face with you, as he promised me that he would."

As he heard these words Hugh drew his sword and leapt at Basil. But the rogue was watching. With a yell of fear he threw himself among the crowd and there vanished.

"Out weapons, and back to back!" cried Hugh, "for we are snared."

So the three of them ranged themselves together facing outward. In front of them gleamed Grey ****'s axe, Hugh's sword and David's great knife. In a moment the furious mob was surging round them like the sea, howling, "Down with the foreign wizards! Kill the friends of the Jews!" one solid wall of changing white faces.

A man struck at them with a halbert, but the blow fell short, for he was afraid to come too near. Grey **** leapt forward, and in a moment was back again, leaving that man dead, smitten through from skull to chin. For a while there was silence, since this sudden death gave them pause, and in it Hugh cried out:

  • 贯斗忠孝五雷武侯秘法


  • 办案要略


  • 佛说十八泥犁经


  • 北风扬沙录


  • Daisy Miller

    Daisy Miller

  • 九侯嫡女


  • 天行


  • 君望


  • 校草来袭:丫头快过来


  • 顾先生爱妻如命


  • 赢你一生


  • 一品农妃有点闲


    《本文已完结》 新书《魔帝的狂妄毒妃》已经发布,大家多多支持! 一朝穿越,家穷人丑,一米五九,破屋三间,良田半亩,没有文化,农村户口,上有老母,下无米油,长得骨瘦如柴,却要养家糊口,蓝七月仰头望天,在心里画了无数个圈圈,上辈子到底造了什么孽?老天才派她到这个地方受折磨!可屋漏偏逢连夜雨,挑个水还能被美男缠上,从此家里多了一个干体力的,蓝七月笑的合不拢嘴,每天当着指挥官,可谁知有一天美男翻身把歌唱,摇身一变成了一人之下万人之上的王爷殿下!我滴个乖乖!这下可不好玩了!(甜宠文,大家多多支持!)
  • 忆千零亿夜


    忆千零亿夜。顾名思义,我思念你无数个夜晚(/ω\)前天,“宫爷,砚少奶奶把您的文件给撕了!”某人挑眉,“撕了就撕了,不够就把其他文件给她,让她小心点,别伤了手。”昨天,“宫爷,公司要被砚少奶奶给掀翻了!真要放任她闹吗?”某人眯眼,“我的公司,翻了就翻了,不行再建一个。”今天,“宫爷,砚少奶奶把当今演员小花旦给打了。”某人不满,“你们干什么吃的,把她手打疼了怎么办?把那个戏子,封杀了。”明天,“宫爷……”“滚,让她去做!”手下委屈的说,“不,但、但是砚少奶奶被人表白了。”这下宫逸夜不淡定了,都没让人看清他是怎么走的。当今景城谁不知道,商业巨鳄宫大少有一个疼在心尖里的,捧在心手里的神秘小娇妻,令全城的千金小姐嫉妒得眼红。某女却毫不在意,朝宫逸夜说道:“喂!你为什么不生气!按照事情发展,你不应该是嫌我麻烦,让我走吗?!”某男笑盈盈地上前搂着她:“我娶妻子是来宠的,怎么会生气呢?” 【多重马甲小甜椒&傲娇腹黑大魔王】欢迎入坑~请这边滚(///▽///)
  • 天行


  • 只是刚好,是你

