

"You must not talk," he insisted severely, "or I shall turn Sir Frank and Mr. Hope out of the room.""No! no! Give me more brandy - more - more." and when the doctor placed a tumbler to her lips, she drank so greedily that he had to take the glass away lest she should do herself harm. But the ardent spirit put new life into her, and with a superhuman effort she suddenly reared herself in the bed.

"Come here, Hope - come here, Random," she said in a much stronger voice. "I have much to tell you. Yes, I took the emerald after dark and threw it into the sentry box when the man wasn't looking. I escaped your spy, Random, and I escaped the notice of the sentry. I walked like a cat, and like a cat I can see in the dark. I am glad you have got the emerald.""Where did you get it?" asked Random quietly.

"That's a long story. I don't know that I have the strength to tell it. I have written it out.""You have written it out?" said Hope quickly, and drawing near.

"Yes. Jane thought that I was writing letters, but I was writing out the whole story of the murder. You were good to me, Random, you dear boy, and on the impulse of the moment I took the emerald to you. I was sorry when I got back, but it was too late then to repent, as I did not dare to go near the Fort again. Your spy who watched might have discovered me the second time. I then thought that I would write out the story of the murder, so as to exonerate myself.""Then you are not guilty of Bolton's death?" asked Sir Frank, puzzled, for her confession was somewhat incoherent.

"No. I did not strangle him. But I know who did. I have written it all down. I was just finishing when I heard the tapping at the window. I let him in and he tried to get the confession, for I told him what I had done.""Who did you tell?" asked Hope, much excited.

Mrs, Jasher took no notice.

"The confession is lying on my desk - all the sheets of paper are loose. I had no time to bind them together, for he came in. He wanted the emerald, and the confession. I told him that I had given the emerald to you, Random, and that I had confessed all in writing. Then he went mad and flew at me with a dreadful knife.

He knocked over the candles and the lamp. Everything went out and all was darkness, and I lay crying for help, with that devil stabbing - stabbing - ah - ""Who, in heaven's name, is the man?" demanded Random, standing up in his eagerness. But Mrs. Jasher had fallen back in a faint, and Robinson was again supplying her with brandy.

"You had better leave the room, you two," he said, "or I can't be answerable for her life.""I must stay and learn the truth," said Random determinedly, "and you, Hope, go into the parlor and find that confession. It is on the desk, as she said, all loose sheets. No doubt it was the confession which the man she refers to tried to secure when he came back the second time. He may make another attempt, or Painter may go to sleep. Hurry! hurry!"Archie needed no second telling, as he realized what hung on the securing of the confession. He stole swiftly out of the room, closing the door after him. Faint as was the sound, Mrs. Jasher heard it and opened her eyes.

"Do not go, Random," she said faintly. "I have yet much to say, although the confession will tell you all. I am half sorry Iwrote it out - at least I was - and perhaps should have burnt it had I not met with this accident.""Accident!" echoed Sir Frank scornfully. "Murder you mean."The sinister word galvanized the dying woman in sudden strong life, and she reared herself again on the bed.

"Murder! Yes, it is murder," she cried loudly. "He killed Sidney Bolton to get the emeralds, and he killed me to make me close my mouth.""Who stabbed you? Speak! speak!" cried Random anxiously.

"Cockatoo. He is guilty of my death and Bolton's," and she fell back, dead.

  • 宋小姐的恋爱报告


    宋一然和顾北顾的初次相遇,宋一然以为在自己二十九岁这年,顾北顾却说:早了。顾北顾喜欢宋一然,所以关注她的一言一行,宋一然喜欢顾北顾,以为会是飞蛾扑火,岂不知男人已经织好了网,只等她乖巧落下。 【好巧不巧我就是栽赃本脏】宋一然的同事:“顾总,宋一然花老头子的钱买名牌包,您可千万别上她的当。”顾北顾冷漠脸:“真巧,我就是那个老头子。”==也是直到后来很久很久,宋一然明白了一个道理--所有的偶然相遇都是有心之人处心积虑的安排,这世上根本没有白掉的馅饼还正好是你喜欢的馅这种事!
  • 天行


  • 知不逢时是我不幸


  • 止余


  • 君若有心我便休


  • 修真聊天群之我的后盾是霸霸宋


  • 天行


  • 夏日冰淇淋


  • 快穿之宿主追人的那些年


    花樱鸠死了,她是自杀的。但是她却莫名其妙的绑定了一个叫做“反派系统”的玩意。然后她就负责起了在每个位面当大反派的任务。但是,系统被这位宿主给搞崩溃了,这个宿主她总不务正业跑去撩妹并且总想与男女主同归于尽是什么鬼?“麻麻,这里有个蛇精病,快带我回家!” 本书又名《快穿之宿主撩妹的那些年》
  • 最美遇上你

