
第50章 Leiden University: Bastion of Liberty



Leiden University (Dutch: Universiteit Leiden), located in the city of Leiden, is the oldest university in the Netherlands.The university was founded in 1575 as a gift from William of Orange(leader of the Dutch Revolt in the Eighty Years" War)to the citizens of Leiden after they had withstood a long siege by the Spanish. The Dutch Royal Family and Leiden University still have a close relationship; Queens Wilhelmina andJuliana and King Willem-Alexander are all former students. It was the first university in the Netherlands to practise freedom of belief and religion, as reflected in the university"s motto: Bastion of Liberty. It was this atmosphere of freedom of speech that provided the right environment for philosophers such as Spinoza and Descartes to develop their ideas.The University of Leiden is famous for its many developments including Snells law (by Willebrord Snellius), the famous Leyden jar, a capacitor made from a glass jar, invented in Leiden by Pieter van Musschenbroek in 1746. Another development was in cryogenics: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (1913 Nobel prize winner in physics) liquefied helium for the first time (1908) and later managed to reach a temperature of less than one degree above the absolute minimum. Albert Einstein also spent some time at Leiden University during his early to middle career.The university has no central campus; its buildings are spread over the city and the students who live and study in Leiden give the city its relaxed yet vibrant atmosphere.Some buildings, like the Gravensteen, are very old, while buildings like Lipsius and Gorlaeus are much more modern. In recent years the university has also expanded to The Hague which is home to Leiden University College . Hague is a liberal arts and sciences college and the departments of Public Administration, International Relations and Politics. Leiden has a firmly established international position among the top research institutes in many fields, including the natural sciences, medicine, social and behavioural sciences, law, arts and letters. Of the sixty-six Spinozapremie (the highest scientific award of The Netherlands), sixteen were granted to professors of the Leiden University.

System: Leiden University has six faculties, which offer approximately 50 undergraduate degree programs and over 100 graduate programs leading to either M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil., or LL.M. degrees. The M.Phil., providing education and performing research in Archaeology(Undergraduate School in Dutch and Graduate School), Humanities, Law, Science, Social and Behavioural Sciences. Leiden University is a special research degree and only awarded by selected departments of the university (mostly in the fields of Arts, Social Sciences, Archeology, Philosophy, and Theology).

City show: Leiden is a city and municipality in the Dutch province of South Holland. Hundred buildings in the centre are decorated with large murals of poetry. Because of the economic decline from the 17th to the early 20th century, much of the 16th- and 17th-century town centre is still intact.


withstand [w.e.st.nd] vt. 抵挡;经得起

minimum [.m.n.m.m] n. 最小值;最低限度

mural [.mj..r.l] n. 壁画;(美)壁饰

intact [.n.t.kt] a. 完整的;未受损伤的;原封不动的



莱顿大学作为一所古老的贵族大学,自16世纪创立之初即跟荷兰王室保持着亲密的关系。前荷兰女王威廉明娜(Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Marie)、朱丽安娜(Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina)以及王储威廉·亚历山大(Willem-Alexander)都曾在莱顿大学学习。






Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.


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