
第130章 Chapter 21 (6)

‘Yes!' he said. ‘Your face speaks the truth this time. Serious, indeed -- as serious as the money matters themselves.'

‘More serious. As true as I sit here, more serious!'

The light disappeared again and the talk went on.

‘I showed you the letter to my wife that Anne Catherick hid in the sand,'

Sir Percival continued. ‘There's no boasting in that letter, Fosco -- she does know the Secret.'

‘Say as little as possible, Percival, in my presence, of the Secret.

Does she know it from you?'

‘No, from her mother.'

‘Two women in possession of your private mind -- bad, bad, bad, my friend I One question here, before we go any farther. The motive of your shutting up the daughter in the asylum is now plain enough to me, but the manner of her escape is not quite so clear. Do you suspect the people in charge of her of closing their eyes purposely, at the instance of some enemy who could afford to make it worth their while?'

‘No, she was the best-behaved patient they had -- and, like fools, they trusted her. She's just mad enough to be shut up, and just sane enough to ruin me when she's at large -- if you understand that?'

‘I do understand it. Now, Percival, come at once to the point, and then I shall know what to do. Where is the danger of your position at the present moment?'

‘Anne Catherick is in this neighbourhood, and in communication with Lady Glyde -- there's the danger, plain enough. Who can read the letter she hid in the sand, and not see that my wife is in possession of the Secret, deny it as she may?'

‘One moment, Percival. If Lady Glyde does know the Secret, she must know also that it is a compromising secret for you. As your wife, surely it is in her interest to keep it?'

‘Is it? I'm coming to that. It might be her interest if she cared two straws about me. But I happen to be an encumbrance in the way of another man. She was in love with him before she married me -- she's in love with him now -- an infernal vagabond of a drawing-master, named Hartright.'

‘My dear friend! what is there extraordinary in that? They are all in love with some other man. Who gets the first of a woman's heart? In all my experience I have never yet met with the man who was Number One. Number Two, sometimes. Number Three, Four, Five, often. Number One, never! He exists, of course -- but I have not met with hun- .'

‘Wait! I haven't done yet. Who do you think helped Anne Catherick to get the start, when the people from the mad-house were after her? Hartright.

Who do you think saw her again in Cumberland? Hartright Both times he spoke to her alone. Stop! don't interrupt me. The scoundrel's as sweet on my wife as she is on him. He knows the Secret, and she knows the Secret. Once let them both get together again, and it's her interest and his interest to turn their information against me.'

‘Gently, Percival -- gently I Are you insensible to the virtue of Lady Glyde?'

‘That for the virtue of Lady Glyde! I believe in nothing about her but her money. Don't you see how the case stands? She might be harmless enough by herself; but if she had that vagabond Hartright --'

‘Yes, yes, I see. Where is Mr Hartright?'

‘Out of the country. If he means to keep a whole skin on his bones, I recommend him not to come back in a hurry.'

‘Are you sure he is out of the country?'

‘Certain. I had him watched from the time he left Cumberland to the time he sailed. Oh, I've been careful, I can tell you! Anne Catherick lived with some people at a farm-house near Limmeridge. I went there myself, after she had given me the slip, and made sure that they knew nothing.

  • 《逆元道仙》


  • 梦归田园:孟浩然传


  • HP惹不起的东方巫师


    新坑《超能魔法高校的劣等生》已经发布!请支持一下(???ε???) 《HP惹不起的东方巫师》正文已经完结了,感谢大家一路的支持! “知道吗?”(不黑老邓等人,正常CP)“那个来自东方的巫师不用魔杖也能将巨怪打倒!而且她还能召唤巨怪!你说她把巨怪召唤出来为什么还要打倒它?”“嘘!难道你们不知道她还能召唤出蛇怪吗?!还记得二年级吗?我听到潘西看到那只猫“死”了,她就立马说了一句:艾特!蛇怪真被阿斯特瑞拉召唤出来了。“……”说真的阿斯特瑞拉也很心累!她一个东方穿越者也很烦啊,因为她知道哈利波特里的结局和细节,她也不想啊┐(─__─)┌。那位来自东方巫师的阿斯特瑞拉还有另外一个名字叫:简时。她来自中国法术学院,原本好好的,就穿越到这个学院的几十年前,还被校长这个老狐狸给卖了,没错!就是将她卖到霍格沃兹去了。
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