
第18章 分参考答案(3)

A while later, the hawker brought the food to Mr.Liu’s table.Mr.Liu paid for the food as soon as they finished it.The Liu’s family enjoyed their meal.After their meal they walked out of the hawker center and went to the fruit stalls to buy some watermelon.

Passage 7

The Honest Hawker

Bai Yongchun was a hawker.He was hardworking and always polite towards his customers.He sold beef——noodles at the Hawkers Center in Zhongning Trade City.

One evening, Bai Yongchun was cleaning the table.To his surprise, he found a handbag on it.He opened the bag, and found a bundle of one—— hundred——yuan notes and an identity card in it.At once, he closed his stall and went away.

An hour later, he went to the address shown in the identity card.He showed the handbag to the old lady who opened the door.She recognized her son’s handbag.Bai Yongchun returned the bag and the old lady thanked him.Before he left, the lady asked him for his name and the stall number.

The next evening, Bai Yongchun worked at his stall as usual.The old lady came to the stall with her son.After a good meal, the old lady’s son handed him an envelope with a note and one hundred yuan in it.Bai Yongchun had received a reward for his honesty.

Passage 8

Collecting Kites

Mr Tan has an unusual hobby.He collects kites, and he also makes them.

Mr.Tan started to collected kites when he was fourteen years old.In twenty six years, he has collected more than one hundred kites.

When Mr.Tan got married, he built a two——story house.There he keeps his kites in the spare room on the top of the house.He is very proud of his collection.Some of the kites are very old.Mr.Tan repairs the old and torn kites himself.

Passage 9

A Visit to Chen Guang’s House

Last Sunday, before he had lunch, Li Wei decided to visit Chen Guang.After lunch, he took the short cut to Chen Guang’s house.He reached the house before two o’clock.Chen Guang was at home and was happy to see Li Wei.He invited him in and took him to his own room.There they played three games of Chinese Chess.After the games, they went to the sitting——room and watched a football game on television.

When the football game ended, the boys stayed in the sitting——room and talked for an hour.They talked about their friends and their school work.Mrs.Chen brought them some cakes.

At five o’clock, Li Wei decided to go home.He said good——bye to Chen Guang and walked quickly down the road to his house.He reached home ten minutes later.He played guitar and had a short rest before he had his dinner.

Passage 10

My English Teacher

Juan Watson is our English teacher.She is 1.70 meters tall.She is said to have been teaching English since she graduated from Cambridge University in 1990.Then she came to China with her husband in 2004, and now is teaching in our school.Therefore, she must be over thirty, but she looks much younger.She likes wearing sports wear as she often does a lot of sports.

She loves teaching very much and is always ready to help us students.She pays more attention to the training of our listening, speaking and reading skills as well as our pronunciation than any other teacher.Meanwhile, she is strict with our writing.She has a strange way of teaching.She is always able to make her classes lively and interesting.And she often gives us lectures on how to learn English well.So, she is very popular with us students.With her help, we all have made great progress in English.

Passage 11

Life of a Schoolboy

Zhang Peng lives in a flat with his family.They live on the fourth floor.There are four rooms altogether.Zhang Peng shares a room with his brother.Just next to it there is a room for the children to study.Zhang Peng and his brother do their homework there.

Zhang Peng likes watching TV.There is a TV set in the living——room.He and his brother especially love to watch NBA games on TV.They never miss it as they usually watch it on a Sunday.They enjoy watching the exciting games and seeing many famous basketball players on TV every week.Zhang Peng is also fond of painting.He goes to a painting class every Saturday afternoon.

His school is about two kilometers from his home, so he goes to school just twenty minutes before it starts.She rides his bike to school every morning and he enjoys it.

Passage 12

A Visit to the Railway Station

Last Sunday afternoon, my aunt came back from Beijing for a visit.My sister and I went to the railway station to greet her.When we arrived at the station, it was already half past four.The departure platform was crowded with passengers lining up to board their train.Many people were there to see their friends and relatives off.

My sister and I made our way to the arrival platform.I could see my aunt having her ticket checked at the exit.When my aunt saw us, she smiled and waved to us.Many passengers were waiting for their tickets to be checked.

Soon, my aunt came out of the arrival hall.I carried my aunt’s bag to the bus and we left the station for home.

Passage 13

The Friendly Bookshop Owner

School children know him as Wang San.He runs a bookshop in the North Street of Zhongning.He started his business about a year ago.School children buy from him because his books are usually up to date and cheap.

At first Wang San helped his brother who owned a bookshop in the East Street of Zhongning.After he had learned enough of the book business from his brother, he decided to start his own.When a new street opened, Wang San applied for a license and the government gave him a shop.He did not have enough money to start his bookshop, so his brother lent him some.After a year, he was able to repay the loan.

Each morning, he opens his book shop at eight and closes at nine in the night.Although his business is good, he has to work very hard.He works every day including Sundays.

Passage 14

At the clinic

Last Friday Liu Ying did not go to school because she had a high fever.Her mother took her to see the doctor.

At the clinic, there were many patients waiting to see the doctor.They were sitting quietly.The nurse told her to wait for her turn.She looked around the clinic.There were many posters on the wall.She read them and learned that a balanced diet was important for a strong and healthy body.

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