
第9章 Conve rs a tion al Ba llgame s(4)

Obviously,the more you have changed - often a by-product of the time you were away and how deeply you immersed yourself - the more difficult it will be to have things go back to a previous notion of normality. However ,if you are aware of the changes ( and seek to learn from them) ,smooth adaptation is more likely.

1. What is the topic of the first paragraph?

A. The change of environment.

B. How to visit the website at http: / /www. culturgram. com/ .

C. Why you are likely to have changed some while you have been away.

D. Why you are likely to feel cultural shock again when you come back after living overseas for a long time.

2. What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph?

A. Immediately after your return,you can probably expect to go through an initial stage of euphoria and excitement.

B. This intellectual and personal growth means that you can expect a period of disorientation as you adjust to the“ new ”environment at home.

C. Most people are overwhelmed by the sheer joy of being back on their native land.

D. As you try to settle back into your former routine,you may recognize that your overseas experience has changed some or many of your perceptions and assumptions,your ways of doing things,even what it means to“be yourself”.

3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. The re-adjustment period is no doubt short-lived.

B. Home will never be as“ foreign ” to you as the foreign environment you adjusted to overseas.

C. Your experience of dealing successfully with culture shock abroad will have provided you with the psychological tools for dealing with the challenges of

D. It is usually much easier for you to re-adjust yourself to your hometown than to a foreign environment.

4. Which of the following best summarizes the content of the passage?

A. How to overcome cultural shock.

B. Reverse cultural shock.

C. Foreign environment and home environment.

D. Euphoria and excitement.

( 3)

Some women students,in certain overseas ( e. g. South America,the Middle East,and parts of Europe ) have a hard time adjusting to attitudes they encounter abroad,in both public and private interactions between men and women. Some ( but not all) men in such countries openly demonstrate their appraisal ( 评价) of women in ways that many American women find offensive. It is not uncommon to be stared at,verbally and loudly appraised,and to be actively noticed simply for being an American woman. Sometimes the attention can be flattering. However,it may become very annoying,and potentially even angering. Indigenous ( 土生土长的)women,who often get the same sort of treatment,have been taught how to ignore the attention. Many American women students find this hard to do. Eye contact between strangers or a smile at someone passing in the street,which is not uncommon in the States,may result in totally unexpected invitations. Some women feel they are forced to stare intently at the ground while they walk down the street.

You will have to learn what the unwritten rules are about what you can and cannot do abroad. Women can provide support for each other,and former students suggest that you get together several times early in your stay overseas to talk about what works and what doesn??t for dealing with the unwanted attention. American women are seen as “ liberated ” in many ways,and sometimes the cultural misunderstandings that come out of this image can lead to difficult and unpleasant experiences.

Needless to say,this special and surprising status may make male-female friendships more difficult to develop. Be careful about the implicit ( 含蓄的)messages you may be unintentionally communicating. Above all,try to maintain the perspective that these challenging ( and sometimes difficult experiences) are part of the growth of cultural understanding which is one of the important reasons you are studying abroad. Prepare yourself by trying to understand in advance not only the gender ( 性别) roles and assumptions which may prevail elsewhere,but also the uniqueness of American gender politics,which may or may not be understood,much less prevail,in other countries.

1. What is the topic sentence of the first paragraph?

A. Some women students,in certain overseas ( e. g. South America,the Middle East,and parts of Europe ) have a hard time adjusting to attitudes they encounter abroad,in both public and private interactions between men and women.

B. Some women feel they are forced to stare intently at the ground while they walk down the street.

C. Indigenous women,who often get the same sort of treatment,have been taught how to ignore the attention.

D. Some ( but not all) men in such countries openly demonstrate their appraisal of women in ways that many American women find offensive.

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. American women are seen as“ liberated”in many ways,and sometimes the cultural misunderstandings that come out of this image can lead to difficult and unpleasant experiences.

B. Women should learn what they can do and what they can??t do abroad.

C. Women can provide support for each other,and former students suggest that you get together several times early in your stay overseas to talk about what works and what doesn??t for dealing with the unwanted attention.

D. Women can provide support for each other .

3. What does the author mainly talk about in the third paragraph?

A. The special and surprising status may make male-female friendships more difficult to develop.

B. Try to maintain the perspective that these challenging ( and sometimes difficult experiences) are part of the growth of cultural understanding which is one of the important reasons you are studying abroad.

C. The uniqueness of American gender politics may or may not be understood,much less prevail,in other countries.

D. Be careful about the implicit messages you may be unintentionally com municating.

4. What is the topic of this passage?

A. The hard time women have while studying abroad.

B. How to make male-female friendships.

C. How to maintain the perspective that the challenging ( and sometimes difficult experiences) are part of the growth of cultural understanding which is one of the important reasons you are studying abroad.

D. Some advice on cultural shock for women studying abroad.

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